українською český english

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Вітаємо щиро всіх, хто небайдужий,
Хто відкриває серце для краси,
Для кого рідна пісня - диво-рута,
Котру леліять треба й берегти !

Non-professional group Dzherelo (from Ukrainian „Source“) was founded in Prague in November 2004.

Most of us have already living in Czech Republic for a long time with our families and the need of mutual comunication and cooperation, which is what we need so much in a foreing country far from home, brought us together.


We would like to keep and protect our traditions to be able to deliver them to our children. We meet to draw new energy upon folk songs in our native language and dancing, we all are connected with love and respect for our native land, language and national art. Teamwork makes possible to get to know each other and to richen ourselves by experience and to learn a lot.

We would like to inform public about Ukrainian culture. Just the cognition of variety contributes to removing prejudice towards who are different. Well today´s world is a global village, where people of different cultures have been living side-by-side. And dialog of cultures is necessary to mutual tolerance and understanding.